Welcoming Threads to the Social Media World!
July 10, 2023

If you use social media at all, we’re sure you’ll have heard the news by now. Yes, last week Meta (owners of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) introduced their newest channel to the world - Threads. Available in over 100 countries already, the app passed five millions sign ups within the first four hours of going live.
But, what is Instagram Threads?
Built by the same team as Instagram, Threads is a brand new app mainly used for sharing text updates. Sounds familiar, right…
Each ‘thread’ and its replies can include up to 500 characters, with the ability to attach photos, videos and clickable links too. Users can choose to follow you to see your Threads, with replies also showing up on their feed. And if they want to join the conversation, followers can reply to your thread, like it, share it, quote it or even repost it to their own profile.
Is it easy to set up?
Yes, if you already have an Instagram account. If you do, simply head to the Apple or Google Play store and download the app. Once installed, just use your instagram account details to sign in, so no need to set a new profile up. All of your information will transfer over, but you also have the chance to edit these if you’d like them to be more Threads specific.
Once signed in, you’ll be shown the Threads profiles of those that you follow on Instagram, making it easy to follow them from the start (or select certain ones, if you like). These accounts will then make up your feed, alongside other ‘recommended’ content from creators you don’t follow. As with everything Meta do, this will slowly morph into more and more Paid Ads!
Users have already reported that recommended posts make up a much larger percentage of their feed than they do on Facebook and Instagram. Well, there is a fix for this: head to Settings, Notifications and then Threads and Replies. This will give you a list of options, including First Threads from which you can select ‘From people you follow’. This should lower the percentage of posts from recommended pages, and increase those from profiles you follow.
Much like it’s sibling apps, Threads gives you the power to mute or hide posts from certain profiles too. Muting stops you seeing all posts from that creator, whilst hide will only work for that one specific post. To do so, click on the three dots in the top right of the profile, then choose mute/hide.
And of course, there’s some integrated options too, like sharing your Thread to your Instagram Story. Plus, you can copy and paste a link to any of your Threads too!
Why should I use Threads?
Close Friends: Again borrowing from Metas other apps, Threads offers a Close Friends list. This allows a user to create a list of specific profiles with whom they can share more private content with. This ensures that conversations and updates remain private to these chosen users.
Stay Connected: Threads also offers Status Updates, allowing users to manually (or automatically) update their profile with their location or what they’re currently doing, ie. Working, studying or even sleeping! This real-time information wasn’t a big feature of previous text-based social media apps.
Keeping DMs Open: One of Threads main features is Messaging, allow users to have personal conversations with other profiles. Supporting text, photo and video it also allows for disappearing messages.
Do Not Disturb: Threads includes a Do Not Disturb mode, which mutes all notifications temporarily, allowing users a period of privacy.
Want to get started?
Crafted Creative have already worked with multiple clients to get their business on Threads, with some great results. If you want to be one of them, simply get in touch!